How you can help

By purchasing Gifts that save lives, you enable our aid workers to save lives in war-torn areas and humanitarian crises around the world.

Your support allows us to respond quickly when crises hit, reaching the most vulnerable in areas where there are few or no other aid organizations.

We are there where war is raging in Ukraine and Gaza, but we are also on the ground in countries like Sudan, Cameroon, and Mali. These are the neglected crises. Here, the need and suffering are just as great, but there are few aid organizations and a significant lack of funding to meet humanitarian needs.

Your gift helps us provide protection, clean water, food, shelter, and other essentials. You also ensure that children receive education and a safer everyday life.

We are completely dependent on private donors like you. By purchasing Gifts that save lives in our online store, you help provide lifesaving assistance to more displaced people.

  • Emergency aid: You make it possible for us to distribute blankets, mattresses, kitchen supplies, hygiene items, and other life-saving equipment.
  • Shelter: You make it possible for us to distribute tents and ensure temporary and permanent housing.
  • Food and income: You make it possible for us to provide money so that displaced families can buy food and other essentials.
  • Clean water: You make it possible for us to build wells and ensure that displaced families have access to clean water and good sanitation.
  • Education: You make it possible for us to build schools and ensure that displaced children and youth can continue their education and have a safer everyday life.
  • Protection: You make it possible for us to provide protection to children, women, and others who are at risk or are exposed to violence.
  • Rights: You make it possible for us to provide information, free legal aid, and secure the rights of displaced people.

Since 1946, we have been the Norwegian people’s aid organization for displaced people worldwide. Our approximately 15,000 employees provide lifesaving help to around ten million people annually in 40 countries. Over 90 percent of the funds we raise go directly to our fieldwork. We use the money where the need is greatest at any given time.

In 2023, we ensured that:

  • Nearly 1.5 million people received help to secure new homes.
  • Over 1.2 million children and youth received help for schooling and education.
  • More than 1.5 million people received help to secure food and income.
  • Nearly 3.4 million people received clean water and better sanitation services.
  • Nearly 686,000 people received protection from violence.
  • Nearly 1.6 million people received information and free legal aid.

In 2023, we ensured that:

  • Nearly 1.5 million people received help to secure new homes.
  • Over 1.2 million children and young people received assistance with education and schooling.
  • More than 1.5 million people received help with food and income.
  • Nearly 3.4 million people gained access to clean water and improved sanitation services.
  • Close to 686,000 people received protection from violence.
  • Almost 1.6 million people received information and free legal aid.


- Nå er barna mine mer energiske, sier moren Lusgledys, som har ansvaret for geitene og familiens grønnsakshage.  

School books

– Jeg får muligheten til å lære og leke med klassevenninnene mine. Jeg trives og føler meg trygg på skolen, forteller Hadja med et stort smil.

A home

Walid Abdulrahman (46), kona Aziza Ahmed (45) og de fire barna hadde bodd i en teltleir de fire siste årene. Så kom beskjeden: Dere er blant de familiene som får muligheten til å flytte inn i nytt hus.